In a world filled with complex societal challenges, how do you relate to them?
At Dinner & Dialogue Gatherings, we believe that coming together to deepen our understanding of complex societal challenges is meaningful, much more enjoyable and less overwhelming than trying to make sense of them alone. And what better way to do this than whilst enjoying a tasty dinner together. Food and education, isn’t that a win-win situation?
Dialogue sessions on our global food system
12, 27 October, 9, 23 November
Join us as we come together with a diverse group of people, to gain fresh perspectives and a shared understanding of these complex issues. First topic to chew on: our food system.
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Meet the facilitators of Dinner & Dialogue:
Daria worked in not-for- profit and commercial environments and got a taste of both worlds, which made her realize the importance and power of a good dialogue. Daria has 10+ years of experience in designing, organizing, and facilitating workshops for diverse audiences, including C-level corporate executives, NGO leaders, and volunteers on topics of strategy, innovation, and organizational change.
Juliette has a background in psychology and philosophy, is a personal development trainer at high schools, facilitator and breathwork coach. With a conservative and international upbringing, and an idealistic heart, Juliette has found herself in diverse groups with varied viewpoints. These experiences have strengthened her belief in the power of finding shared understanding. With a facilitation approach grounded in Theory U and Art of Hosting, Juliette creates spaces for people to come together and connect.
Not sure yet if Dinner & Dialogue are for you?
believe understanding the global capitalist system we live in is essential for taking actions for a better future;
enjoy learning together with people who have other life experiences and perspectives;
believe that it is important to connect with people across the political spectrum;
believe that it is important to connect with people across generations;
crave meaningful conversations and connections;
enjoy listening to ideas that provoke your thinking;
are interested in having dialogue (instead of debates) and want to practice your capacity to deeply listen to others even if they have different perspectives;
like sharing delicious dinners with others!
Don’t feel like reflecting on your current beliefs and engaging with other perspectives;
Do not want to reflect on the way we have been taught to think and the possible blindspots within that thinking;
If you are judgemental about other people’s viewpoints instead of curious and open;
If you join just to convince others of your view;
If you are not open to trying to understand someone with completely opposite view or be inspired by it.